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Bonjour! Let's begin learning about the art of brushing by starting with the anatomy of a brush. Click start to begin.

Drag and drop each option below to the correct area of the brush

Brush Diameter

Brush Length

Overall Length

Shaft Material

Tip Style

End Style

Drag and drop each option below to the correct area of the brush

Handle/Block Length

Fill Trim Length

Handle/Block Width

Brush Face Length

Handle Thickness

Staggered Hole Pattern

Straight Hole PAttern

Great Job!

Next, we will inspect the quality of a

few cleaning brushes. click start to begin.

Check all that apply.

Click Submit when you are done.

Fallen Bristles

Missing Bristles

Damaged  Shaft

Missing Brush Parts

Worn Bristles


Proper brush storage and organization is essential to maintaining the quality of your brushes. When possible, brushes should be hung and well organized.

Which of the above scenes shows the best storage option?

Let's take a look at some instruments that need cleaning. You can help me choose the best brush for the task!

Which container is the best option for transporting this contaminated endoscope?

Proper fit and friction is essential for properly cleaning inner channels of instruments. Which of the three examples above shows the ideal fit and friction for cleaning?

Let's learn more about how to brush properly when manually cleaning an instrument.

Which of the above technicians is brushing the instrument in a way that prevents aerosolization of contaminants?

Great job! This yankauer suction has been precleaned and rinsed. Let's continue with the manual cleaning process by following along with the IFU. Ready?!

Sink #1

Flush the lumen of the device with a water pistol.

Brush the external surface of the device with the appropriate brush.

Always inspect the brush before pulling back through. It looks like there is some debris. What should we do next?

Continue brushing the device without removing the debris

Rinse the debris below the water before pulling back through

Rinse the debris aboce the water before pulling back through

The brush appears to be free of debris after passing through again. Let's move this device to sink #2 to continue the manual cleaning process.

Sink #2

Rinse the device using the spray unit.

Sink #3

Turn on the faucet of sink #3 to rinse the device with deionized water.

Place the device on the clean surface beside sink #3

Flush the lumen of the device with deionized water using the water pistol.

Sink #3

Flush the inside channel of the device using the air gun.

It looks like some debris remained on the inside of the suction after cleaning. what should we do next?

Continue with manual cleaning process

Reclean the device

Rinse again using deionized water

Great Job! After recleaning, this device is ready for the next step of the cleaning process. Now, let's hear a few more tips from the CPD guy.

Answer the ten true or false questions and fill in your contact information to earn your CEU